
I am a Marine Mom, travel guru, an advocate for victims of domestic violence, a blogger, lover of margaritas, and a HUGE Dallas Cowboys fan!!!! Go Cowboys! I am a Master’s graduate in Criminal Justice, a part-time volunteer and a full-time Christian.

I am married to a full-fledged geek better known as  @inthemiddle – my better half. I have three fabulous sons, two of which are United States Marines. My sons have blessed us with three beautiful grandchildren.

I hope you enjoy reading my ramblings and musings as I go about being a Marine Mom, married to a geek, and living my life as full as it is with work, volunteering and my domestic violence advocacy.  You can lean more about my advocacy work over at my other blog called Hushed Voices, Secrets Untold.



©2010-2014 Ramblings of The Geek Wife

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